Элья Бронски заметки на полях

суббота, 21 марта 2009

Аффтар-садист!~ *вышел вакно*

15:50 RE(c)-Play - PG-13 -> NC-17, Pin, AKame, (PiKame, AKamePin), , maxi, англ., WIP

Title: RE(c)-Play
Author: Ellia Bronsky
Fandom: JE
Genre: RPS, AU, Angst\Romance with bits of accidental comedy and lots of fluff
Pairing: Pin with hints on Akame & possibly PiKame (haven’t decided yet)
Rating: from PG-13 to NC-17 in later chapters
Summary: Jin never returns to Jimusho from “short trip to L.A. for English lessons”. Instead he gets into the car accident and at the brink of healing Yamapi comes to take him back to the entertainment world.
A/N: Really really sorry for all the angst. Never intended to make such dark fic with our beloved bright and positive johnnies but it came itself and I can’t beat it off. Concerning pairings and characters – those who read my other fic “ALT-ernative” will probably recognize these. It can’t let me go even when I can’t write it due to some strange form of writer’s block (see – I can write something else or even translate, thank you very much, but unfortunately don’t have even slight ideas for “ALT”(((…*wheeps as a cry-baby*). May be this fic – is another version of ALTernative, who knows).
A/N2: More like Warning: excessive use of foul and abuse language through all the fic. That’s my way of angst-ish chars for you)…


To be Contd. & To be Announced...;-)

@темы: master-list: фики, АКамеПи(н), RE-P, Пин, Яой\Слэш, +RPS+, англ, Фанфики

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